Measuring the social impact of our first project

Written by Linus | 2/1/25 5:07 PM

We wanted to know from María Paola Franceschi about the changes at her organization since finalizing the project of renovating the kitchen at the children's home, which has been recently funded by our initative.

Question 1: How relevant was the funding of the “kitchen project” to your organization?

Answer: Ever since we installed our operations in what was once an old family house, the kitchen was in poor conditions. In fact, the Health Department in Chía, one of the governmental entities overseeing our operations, had already issued a warning stating that if the kitchen was not improved, the food service provided by us to currently over 70 beneficiaries would need to be shut down. Ultimately this may have led to the closure of the entire facility, which would have been a major disaster to the children which are dependent on our protection and care.

Question 2: How did you deal with this serious situation before?

Answer: Over the years, some of the required improvements were made in a disorganized manner, based on our limited resources for investing in infrastructure. The kitchen was tiled, a semi-industrial stove was installed, and some leaks from both the roof and the sink were repaired. However, the kitchen remained small and insufficient. The key change requests by the authorities - such as installing a smooth non-absorbent ceiling commonly used in industrial kitchens (instead of the original wooden ceiling) and creating a proper storage system - had not yet been fulfilled. As a result, food had to be stored in different areas throughout the facility, as there was no dedicated pantry.

Question 3: What has changed after implementing the project?

Answer: Thanks to your support, we were able to accomplish much more than what was initially required by the Health Department and to exceed the initial expectations of both our team and the supervisory entities. Most importantly, your contribution has ensured food security for our children as well as significantly improving hygiene conditions.

Our kitchen staff largely consists of mothers that seek protection with their children at our place. Being able to work in the remodeled kitchen provides them with a huge sense of dignity and we made sure to formalize the processes and to give them proper training. Next to facilitating the overall operations of our food service, this project also served to boost their self-esteem. Today, thanks to you, we now have a fully equipped industrial kitchen with all the basic elements required to provide food service. Cooking time has been reduced, and all food items are now properly stored, ensuring their longevity and appropriate handling.

Question 4: What is the impact on the nutrition of the children?

Answer: It is important to highlight that most of our beneficiaries arrive at our place suffering from chronic malnutrition, as they have endured prolonged hunger. The food they previously consumed mainly consisted of sugars and flours, which are inexpensive and filling but lack essential nutrients. Our team works tirelessly to ensure these children receive proper nutrition, helping to improve their physical and mental health, development, and learning processes. When a child is not properly nourished, they struggle to learn, fall sick more often, and experience increased levels of aggression and depression. Providing good and consistent nutrition is one of our fundamental objectives and your project will have a sustainable impact to achieving this goal. The funds we raise each month can now be allocated entirely to food rather than having to make a difficult trade-off between running expenses and necessary infrastructure investments.

Question 5: Is there anything you would like to say to our donors?

Answer: We are deeply grateful for your donation, which has transformed our lives and made a significant difference in the lives, nutrition, and well-being of our beneficiaries. May God bless you for making a difference and for helping to provide our 70 families with a better quality of life, a dignified space, and improved nutrition.

Thank you for the conversation.