Questions & Answers

Frequently asked questions

The trust of our supporters and transparency regarding the handling of donations are very important to us. Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

Are the donations tax-deductible?

Thanks to the cooperation with the Haus des Stiftens, a donation receipt is issued for every donation, which can be included in the tax return. This ensures that the donation is tax-deductible. Further information can be found at

Do all donations reach the foundation?

The initiators guarantee that the full amount of the donation actually reaches the foundation. Any administrative costs (e.g. for the use of the funding app or bank charges) are subsidized privately by the initiators. This ensures that every euro donated actually reaches the Colombian foundation.

How is it ensured that donations are not misappropriated?

We have trusted local supporters who regularly visit the foundation and monitor the spending of the donations. This ensures that the donations are actually used for the designated project and with the highest possible degree of effectiveness.

What role does the Haus des Stiftens funding app play?

With the FörderApp, the Haus des Stiftens has created an innovative infrastructure to map the complete funding process with presentation of the need, payment, donation receipt and results report for selected charitable projects. Further information can be found at

How is it possible to see what has happened to the funding?

A results report is prepared retrospectively for each funded project and made available to the donors. This means that the results of the donation can be verified immediately.


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